
POST api/WorkRequests/types

Work Request Types

POST api/WorkRequests/mobilewarehouse

No documentation available.

POST api/WorkRequests/mobilesupplyitems

No documentation available.

POST api/WorkRequests/statuses

Work Request Statuses

POST api/WorkRequests/repairs

Work Request Repairs

GET api/WorkRequests/wagepremiums

Wage Premiums

POST api/WorkRequests/problems

Work Problems

GET api/WorkRequests/assignment?requestNumber={requestNumber}&employeeID={employeeID}


POST api/WorkRequests/workrequeststatusivr

No documentation available.

POST api/WorkRequests/mobileworkrequestsattachment

No documentation available.

POST api/WorkRequests/mobileworkrequestsmaterial

No documentation available.

POST api/WorkRequests/mobileworkrequestsstatus

No documentation available.

POST api/WorkRequests/uploadmobilelinkgroups

Method to Upload linkgroups changes

POST api/WorkRequests/mobileworkrequests

No documentation available.

GET api/WorkRequests/mobileworkrequests?filter={filter}

Get Work Requests

GET api/WorkRequests/workrequests?filter={filter}

Get Work Requests

GET api/WorkRequests/linkgroupworkrequestsmobile?filter={filter}

Get Link Group Work Requests

POST api/WorkRequests/wrattachment?workRequestId={workRequestId}

To get remote attachment images

GET api/WorkRequests/workrequestsmobile?filter={filter}

Get Work Requests

POST api/WorkRequests/deleteworkrequest

Delete Work Request

POST api/WorkRequests/deletematerial

Delete Material

POST api/WorkRequests/wrdeleteattachment?WRid={WRid}

Delete Attachment from work requests

POST api/WorkRequests/wrsubtypes

Work Request Sub Types

GET api/WorkRequests/getuserworkedtime?employeeid={employeeid}

No documentation available.

GET api/WorkRequests/getlinkgrouptotal?filter={filter}

No documentation available.

GET api/WorkRequests/getWorkReqSetting?accountID={accountID}

No documentation available.


GET api/Shared/services?filter={filter}

Gets the services for the user's campuses

GET api/Shared/services

Gets the services for the user's campuses

GET api/Shared/shifts

Get shifts for the user's campuses

POST api/Shared/shops

Get shops for the user's campuses

POST api/Shared/costcenters

Gets the Cost Centers for the user's campuses Provide an AccountID to filter on a particular account

POST api/Shared/priorities

Gets the Priorities for the user's campuses

GET api/Shared/linkgroups?filter={filter}

Gets the Link Groups for the user's campuses

GET api/Shared/linkgroupsmobile?filter={filter}

No documentation available.

GET api/Shared/clients

Retrieves System level clients

GET api/Shared/campuses?systemID={systemID}

Retrieves campuses for a given system

POST api/Shared/teams

No documentation available.


GET api/Prelog/getdelayreasons

Get the delay reasons

POST api/Prelog/sendmessage?message={message}

send message

GET api/Prelog/unionassignments

Get Union Task of Prelog and Transport for Transporter

POST api/Prelog/reportlocation?location={location}

report location

POST api/Prelog/acceptprelogtask/{id}

accept prelog task

POST api/Prelog/delayprelogtask/{id}

delay prelog task

POST api/Prelog/undelayprelogtask/{id}

cancel delay prelog task

POST api/Prelog/cancelprelogtask/{id}?cancelReasonID={cancelReasonID}&description={description}

cancel the prelog task

POST api/Prelog/completeprelogtask/{id}

complete prelog task

GET api/Prelog/padtransporterlist

Gets the pad Transporter list.

POST api/Prelog/padprelogassign?transporterID={transporterID}&prelogIDList={prelogIDList}

Does the pad prelog assign.

GET api/Prelog/padprelogontransportgrouplist?transportGroupID={transportGroupID}

Gets the pad prelog list.

GET api/Prelog/padprelogonpatientlist?patientName={patientName}

Get the prelog list by patient name.

POST api/Prelog/cancelpreloglist?prelogIDList={prelogIDList}&cancelReasonID={cancelReasonID}&descriptions={descriptions}

Does the muti cancel prelog list.

GET api/Prelog/gettransportstate

Get transporter state with the tranport and prelog task is or not update

GET api/Prelog/getgroupstate

Get transporter group state with the tranport and prelog task is or not update


GET api/Inspection/templatesSpaceXRef?filter={filter}

No documentation available.

POST api/Inspection/mobileinspections

Saves a scored Inspection back to the system

POST api/Inspection/mobileinspectionattachment

No documentation available.

POST api/Inspection/inspection

Saves a scored Inspection back to the system

GET api/Inspection/targets?filter={filter}

Gets all possible Inspection Targets

GET api/Inspection/types?filter={filter}

Gets all possible Inspection types

POST api/Inspection/inspections

Gets a list of inspection that match the supplied filter criteria

POST api/Inspection/scheduledinspections

Gets a list of inspection that match the supplied filter criteria Refactored for Hybrid Mobile App

GET api/Inspection/scoretypes?corp={corp}

Gets a list of possible Score Types.

GET api/Inspection/templates?corp={corp}

Gets a list of Inspection Templates that may be used to create a new inspection

GET api/Inspection/templatesfull

Gets a list of Inspection Templates that may be used to create a new inspection

GET api/Inspection/templatesfullcampusid?campusID={campusID}

Gets a list of Inspection Templates by campusID that may be used to create a new inspection

POST api/Inspection/inpectionreport

Get Inspection Information for Mobile Inspection Info

POST api/Inspection/inspectiontotals

Get Inspection Information for Mobile Inspection Info


GET api/Security/login

Login a user to the API. Makes a user available for assignment of records (Bed Cleaning, Transport, Work Request, etc). Note, this is NOT needed to call API methods from a service account.

GET api/Security/logout

Logout a user. Makes the user unavailable for assignment in ISIS modules. It is not necessary to log off service accounts, only user accounts.

GET api/Security/mobilestatus?mobileApplicationID={mobileApplicationID}

No documentation available.

GET api/Security/mobilerapplications

No documentation available.

POST api/Security/SignEULA

No documentation available.

POST api/Security/CheckMFA

No documentation available.


The Primary interface for all Asset related requests

GET api/Asset/conditions?corp={corp}

Gets a list of possible conditions that may be applied to an assets life expectancy records

GET api/Asset/workhistory?filter={filter}

Gets a list of Work Orders for the provided Asset

GET api/Asset/pmschedule?filter={filter}

Gets a list of Work Orders for the provided Asset

GET api/Asset/linkgroupassettext?filter={filter}

Gets a list of Work text for the provided Asset in a link group

GET api/Asset/replacementreasons?corp={corp}

Gets a list of possible reasons for an asset to be replaced

GET api/Asset/risks

Gets a list of possible risk factors that may be applied to an asset. These risk factors identify the Risk if an asset were to fail.

GET api/Asset/rffunctions

Gets a list of possible risk factors that may be applied to an asset. These risk factors identify the Function that the asset is regularly used for.

GET api/Asset/assettypes

Gets the list of asset types

GET api/Asset/tierlevels

Gets the list of asset tiers

GET api/Asset/rfhistories

Gets a list of possible risk factors that may be applied to an asset. These risk factors identify the number of Corrective actions that have been applied to the asset historically.

GET api/Asset/assetnotes?filter={filter}

Gets the Asset Notes for a given set of filtered assets. .

GET api/Asset/assetsmobile?filter={filter}

Gets Mobile Assets

GET api/Asset/assets?filter={filter}

Gets Assets

GET api/Asset/systems?filter={filter}

Gets the Asset Classifications available for an asset. Asset classifications contain three levels. This method returns the highest level (System).

GET api/Asset/classes?filter={filter}

Gets the Asset Classifications available for an asset. Asset classifications contain three levels. This method returns the Class Level

GET api/Asset/objects?filter={filter}

Gets the Asset Classifications available for an asset. Asset classifications contain three levels. This method returns the Class Level

GET api/Asset/manufacturers?filter={filter}

Gets a list of manufacturers that may be applied to an asset.

GET api/Asset/manufacturers?corp={corp}

Gets a list of manufacturers that may be applied to an asset.

POST api/Asset/assetdeleteattachment?AssetID={AssetID}

No documentation available.

POST api/Asset/mobileassetattachment

No documentation available.

POST api/Asset/mobileassets

Saves a list of Assets.

GET api/Asset/sco?filter={filter}

No documentation available.


GET api/Project/dailyscheduleareas

Gets the hierarchy of spaces that represent all spaces in the service account's campuses

GET api/Project/dailyschedulebuildings?campusId={campusId}

Gets the hierarchy of buildings that represent all spaces in the service account's campuses

GET api/Project/dailyprojectsforbuilding?buildingID={buildingID}

No documentation available.

GET api/Project/dailyprojectsforspace?spaceID={spaceID}

No documentation available.

GET api/Project/dailyprojecttasks?projectTaskID={projectTaskID}&buildingID={buildingID}

No documentation available.

GET api/Project/dailyprojecttask/{id}

No documentation available.

PATCH api/Project/dailyprojecttask/{id}

No documentation available.

POST api/Project/dailyprojecttask

No documentation available.

POST api/Project/canceldailyprojecttask

No documentation available.

POST api/Project/dailyprojecttaskdate

No documentation available.

GET api/Project/tasksecondaryprogress?taskId={taskId}&employeeID={employeeID}&updateType={updateType}

No documentation available.

POST api/Project/tasksecondaryprogress

No documentation available.

PATCH api/Project/tasksecondaryprogress/{id}

No documentation available.

GET api/Project/tasksecondaryprogressdetail?taskId={taskId}&employeeID={employeeID}&updateType={updateType}

No documentation available.

GET api/Project/tasktechprogress?taskId={taskId}&employeeID={employeeID}&updateType={updateType}

No documentation available.

GET api/Project/delaydailyscheduletask?taskId={taskId}

No documentation available.

POST api/Project/delaydailyscheduletask

No documentation available.

PATCH api/Project/delaydailyscheduletask?taskID={taskID}

No documentation available.

GET api/Project/getdelays

Retrieves the list of Delays for EVS

PATCH api/Project/dailysetup/{id}

No documentation available.

POST api/Project/dailysetup

No documentation available.

GET api/Project/dailysetup?employeeID={employeeID}&taskId={taskId}

No documentation available.

GET api/Project/dailytasksteps?projectTaskTypeID={projectTaskTypeID}&accountID={accountID}

No documentation available.

GET api/Project/savedailyschedule?spaceId={spaceId}&projectTaskId={projectTaskId}&userName={userName}&lChecked={lChecked}&BaseMonth={BaseMonth}

No documentation available.

GET api/Project/getprojectschedule?BuildingId={BuildingId}&BaseMonth={BaseMonth}&ProjectTaskId={ProjectTaskId}

No documentation available.

GET api/Project/getSkipProjectTask?RoomId={RoomId}&CampusId={CampusId}&ProjectTaskID={ProjectTaskID}&BaseMonth={BaseMonth}

No documentation available.

POST api/Project/saveSkipProjectTask

No documentation available.


GET api/eScheduler/eSchedulerInit?campusID={campusID}

No documentation available.

GET api/eScheduler/GetSchedulesAndShifts?campusID={campusID}

No documentation available.

GET api/eScheduler/GetScheduleTasks?scheduleInstanceID={scheduleInstanceID}

No documentation available.

POST api/eScheduler/GetScheduleTasks

No documentation available.

GET api/eScheduler/GetSelfAssignedTasks?campusID={campusID}

No documentation available.

GET api/eScheduler/LoadDischarges?campusID={campusID}&filter={filter}

No documentation available.

GET api/eScheduler/GetSpaces?campusID={campusID}

No documentation available.

POST api/eScheduler/SyncScheduleTasks

No documentation available.

GET api/eScheduler/GetHousekeeperStatus?applicationID={applicationID}

No documentation available.

POST api/eScheduler/SetHousekeeperStatus?housekeeperStatusID={housekeeperStatusID}&applicationID={applicationID}&scheduleInstanceID={scheduleInstanceID}

No documentation available.

POST api/eScheduler/UpdateScheduleTaskStatus

No documentation available.

POST api/eScheduler/InsertSelfAssignedTask

No documentation available.

POST api/eScheduler/LoadDischarge?dischargeID={dischargeID}

No documentation available.

POST api/eScheduler/SaveDischarge?dischargeID={dischargeID}&scheduleInstanceID={scheduleInstanceID}&employeeID={employeeID}&username={username}&dischargeStatusID={dischargeStatusID}&cancelReasonID={cancelReasonID}&delayReasonID={delayReasonID}&NextBCRStatus={NextBCRStatus}

No documentation available.

POST api/eScheduler/UpdateTaskScan?taskID={taskID}&scanState={scanState}&subStatusID={subStatusID}

No documentation available.

POST api/eScheduler/SyncDischarges

No documentation available.

POST api/eScheduler/SendContactSupervisorReason

No documentation available.

GET api/eScheduler/GetHousekeeperLogin?empID={empID}

No documentation available.

GET api/eScheduler/selectionSpace?campusID={campusID}&searchText={searchText}&mustHaveBeds={mustHaveBeds}&isHRS={isHRS}&spaceId={spaceId}

No documentation available.

POST api/eScheduler/InsertOnDemandTask?taskID={taskID}&spaceID={spaceID}&spaceAccountID={spaceAccountID}&priorityID={priorityID}&spacePath={spacePath}&notes={notes}&expectedDuration={expectedDuration}&spaceEquipmentID={spaceEquipmentID}

No documentation available.

GET api/eScheduler/GetScheduleOnDemandTasks

No documentation available.

GET api/eScheduler/GetMiscTasks

No documentation available.


GET api/Transport/assignments

Retrieves the assignments for a specific Transporter

GET api/Transport/getdelays

Retrieves the list of Delays that are able to be specified on a Transport

POST api/Transport/transportbreaklunch?employeeID={employeeID}&isLogin={isLogin}&isBreak={isBreak}&isLunch={isLunch}&userName={userName}&miscTaskId={miscTaskId}

No documentation available.

GET api/Transport/getcancelreasons

Retrieves the list of Cancellations that are able to be specified on a Transport

POST api/Transport/delay/{id}

Sets a Delay on a Transport

POST api/Transport/resume/{id}

Removes the delay from a Transport

POST api/Transport/resumeStatus/{id}

Removes the delay from a Transport

POST api/Transport/complete/{id}

Completes a Transport

POST api/Transport/cancel/{id}

Cancels a Transport Request

POST api/Transport/start/{id}

Marks a Transport Request as Started

POST api/Transport/updateScan/{id}?scanState={scanState}

Updates the FromScanTime or ToScanTime for Transport requests.

GET api/Transport/assignment/{id}?employeeID={employeeID}

Validates that an Employee is assigned to a Transport Request. For use with IVR systems.

GET api/Transport/inprogress/{id}

Retrieves the Status of a Transport Request

GET api/Transport/GetMiscTasks

No documentation available.


POST api/Patient/hl7

Accepts an HL7 message for processing within ISISweb.

GET api/Patient/hl7bedcleaning

Retrieves a list of Bed Cleaning Requests. Streamlined for use with an HL7 interface.

POST api/Patient/hl7bedcleaning

Updates a specific Bed Cleaning Request. Streamlined for use with an HL7 interface.


GET api/Space/spaces?filter={filter}

Gets the hierarchy of spaces that represent all spaces in the service account's campuses

POST api/Space/buildings

Gets a list of building available for the service account's campuses

GET api/Space/tasks?corp={corp}

Gets a list of cleaning tasks that may be applied to a cleaning schedule

GET api/Space/types?filter={filter}

Gets a list of Types that be associated with a Space

GET api/Space/tree?filter={filter}

Gets the hierarchy of spaces that represent all spaces in the service account's campuses

GET api/Space/groups?filter={filter}

A list of Groups that may be associated with a space

POST api/Space/selection/{id}?includeActive={includeActive}

Searches for spaces that match the specified criteria

GET api/Space/selectionSpace?filter={filter}

No documentation available.

POST api/Space/verifylastverificationdate/{id}

No documentation available.

GET api/Space/getSpaceNotes?spaceId={spaceId}

No documentation available.

POST api/Space/saveSpaceNotes

No documentation available.


Controller to handle Bed Cleaning Requests

GET api/BedCleaning/assignments?statusFilter={statusFilter}

Retrieves the assignments for the current user

GET api/BedCleaning/areas

No documentation available.

GET api/BedCleaning/housekeeperareas?empID={empID}&campusID={campusID}

Retrieves the Areas that a Housekeeper may be assigned to

POST api/BedCleaning/housekeeperareas

No documentation available.

POST api/BedCleaning/housekeeperdefaultareas

No documentation available.

GET api/BedCleaning/statuses

Retrieves all cleaning statuses

GET api/BedCleaning/housekeeperstatuses?empID={empID}&campusID={campusID}

Retrieves the cleaning statuses that a Housekeeper may be assigned to

POST api/BedCleaning/housekeeperstatuses

Saves selected cleaning status that a Housekeeper is assigned to

GET api/BedCleaning/housekeeperbcrstatuses?empID={empID}&campusID={campusID}&bcrID={bcrID}

Retrieves the next available cleaning statuses for BCR

GET api/BedCleaning/bedcleaningrequest?bcrID={bcrID}

No documentation available.

POST api/BedCleaning/bedcleaningrequest?submitSystem={submitSystem}&nextBCRStatus={nextBCRStatus}

Create or Update a Bed Cleaning Request

DELETE api/BedCleaning/bedcleaningrequest?spaceID={spaceID}&bedNumber={bedNumber}

Delete a bed cleaning Request

POST api/BedCleaning/login

Login a Housekeeper

POST api/BedCleaning/logout

Logout a Housekeeper

POST api/BedCleaning/onbreak

No documentation available.

POST api/BedCleaning/offbreak

No documentation available.

POST api/BedCleaning/onlunch

Checks if a housekeeper is currently On Lunch break

POST api/BedCleaning/offlunch

Checks if a housekeeper is currently Off of Lunch break

GET api/BedCleaning/building?ivrNumber={ivrNumber}&employeeID={employeeID}

Validate that a building belongs to a specific account. This is intended to be used with an IVR interface.

GET api/BedCleaning/room?ivrNumber={ivrNumber}&buildingID={buildingID}

Validate that a room belongs to a specific building

GET api/BedCleaning/bed/{id}?roomID={roomID}

Validates that a bed number exists within a room

GET api/BedCleaning/cleaningtypes

Retrieves a list of Cleaning Types for use on a Bed Cleaning Request

GET api/BedCleaning/bedcleaningrequests?buildingID={buildingID}

Retrieves a list of Cleaning Requests

GET api/BedCleaning/bedcleaningrequeststatus?spaceID={spaceID}&bedNumber={bedNumber}

Retrieves the status of a room

GET api/BedCleaning/bedcleaningcancel?campus={campus}

No documentation available.

GET api/BedCleaning/bedcleaningdelay?campus={campus}

No documentation available.

POST api/BedCleaning/bedcleaningrequestdelay

No documentation available.

POST api/BedCleaning/bedcleaningrequestcancel

No documentation available.

POST api/BedCleaning/bedcleaningrequestbeginuv

No documentation available.

POST api/BedCleaning/addbedrequest?campus={campus}&searchtext={searchtext}

No documentation available.

GET api/BedCleaning/cleaningtypescampus?campus={campus}

Retrieves a list of Cleaning Types for use on a Bed Cleaning Request

GET api/BedCleaning/getPrioritycampus?campus={campus}

No documentation available.

POST api/BedCleaning/cleaningTotals

Get Inspection Information for Mobile Inspection Info


GET api/People/employmentstatuses

Get the possible employment status settings for a service account's campuses.

POST api/People/employees

Get the employees assigned to the service account's campuses Provide an AccountID to filter on a particular account

GET api/People/jobs

Get the job code available for the service account's campuses

GET api/People/employee?ivrNumber={ivrNumber}

No documentation available.